a data center employee working on a cloud integration project

7 Ways Cloud Integration Can Help Your Organization Thrive

Cloud computing revolutionized the business world in the early 2000s. At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the cloud became the standard for doing business.  Studies estimate that 94% of enterprise companies now use cloud services. On the small business side, according to the Flexera 2022 State of the Cloud Report, spending on cloud services has increased by 38% from last year.  For companies with cloud services, the top goal in 2022 is to optimize their current cloud usage.  But what about companies that are still lagging behind the cloud wave? Need convincing that the cloud is right for your company?  This article will define cloud integration and look at seven ways cloud services can push your organization to the next level.

What is Cloud Integration

Cloud integration uses technology to build a cohesive, connected IT and data infrastructure across your organization. Instead of siloed systems, spreadsheets, and location-based functionality, the cloud breaks down data siloes and enables companies to access the information they need anywhere.  Integration solutions can deliver 100% cloud-based services or a hybrid. Both are considered cloud integration and enable companies to share data more quickly, streamline workflows, and build greater efficiency in business processes. Options for cloud integration platforms are increasing as organizations increase their use of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions as they increase overall cloud usage.

Types of Cloud Integration

Companies can opt for different cloud solutions, from 100% cloud-based operations to a hybrid model. Integrations can be cloud-to-cloud (100% cloud) or cloud-to-premises (hybrid).  The types of integrations fall into two categories:
  • Data integration: Data integration essentially synchronizes all of your organization’s data so that they “speak the same language.” The data integration process combines all your databases, converting data, transferring it, and storing it in a centralized platform.
  • Application integration: Application integration goes beyond synchronizing data. Application integration helps connect workflows, communication, and business processes. A cloud integration example for this would be using an API to connect Slack, Asana, and your CRM so that when you update your CRM, someone gets a ping in Slack, and Asana creates a new task.


7 Ways Cloud Integration Can Help Your Organization

Cloud integration solutions aren’t just beneficial – they’re the future. But for business leaders who still aren’t sure of the value, here are five ways the cloud can help your organization thrive.

1. Control

The integration process gives companies more control over their workflow, procedures, and data. You can track and monitor changes in real-time, make adjustments, catch errors, and communicate seamlessly with integrated applications.  With full application integration, business leaders can control how tools are used, user permissions across the entire IT ecosystem, and what levels of visibility apply.

2. Flexibility

There’s a reason we saw a massive influx of companies using the cloud in 2020. The cloud allows for endless flexibility for employees and management. With cloud applications, you can access your data anywhere and anytime. Integration flows allowed companies to transition to remote work in 2020 and saved productivity.  If you’re looking to become more flexible – whether you want to offer more remote options for employees, enable multi-site processes without a breakdown in communication, etc. – integrated cloud applications are the way to go.

3. Scalability

The cloud allows businesses to scale up in ways that were never possible before. When companies owned their own data centers, expansion was costly. You had to pay for more servers and space and purchase, implement, and install on-site. With cloud services, you can quickly scale up or down depending on your growth and seasonal needs. You can pay for temporary increases and then scale back rather than investing in costly resources that you may only need for a season.  The cloud also enabled quick scale-up for companies who are accelerating their growth. You can easily request more server space from your cloud service, rather than the laborious process of investing in more of your own server space.

4. Availability/Accessibility

With cloud services, all your departments can access information across the organization. Instead of department siloes, everyone can communicate seamlessly and access reports, data, and applications across the organization. Data is also typically available in real-time, so business leaders can track reports, outcomes, and performance anytime.

5. Efficiency

Remember life before the cloud? You may have needed five different touches to get one report. You had to be on-site to access your drive. You had to download and forward reports or even print or fax them. You probably had several spreadsheets, programs, folders, and processes for every part of your workflow.  The cloud cuts out those steps. Employees can instantly access all the reports they need, all in one connected place, through data integration. Integrated SaaS applications help employees communicate seamlessly across platforms and locations without missing a beat or waiting for answers.

6. Cost Savings

Cloud solutions are a huge cost saver for companies of any size. You don’t need to invest in your own infrastructure or hardware with outsourced cloud platforms. Instead, you pay a predictable and controllable rate for your use and the provider worries about everything else.  Many companies also leverage cost savings through a cloud-based phone system. Using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is much more cost-effective than using a landline. Plus, all of your sites can be integrated into one simplified system.

7. Security

Data security is one of the top priorities for business leaders over the next several years. With data leaks and privacy issues plaguing many leading companies, privacy is critical in driving customer trust and brand reputation.  Any good cloud services company offers top-of-line data security. With tools like encryptions and authentication, you can rest assured that your data is secure in the cloud. For most companies, it’s a much smarter option to let a cloud services provider protect security than to figure out security in-house. These providers are experts in data privacy and security measures – so you can rest easy that your data is safe while focusing on your business goals.

Final Thoughts

Cloud integration has become an essential strategy for growth-minded businesses. The benefits are enormous, allowing greater data control, security, flexibility, scalability, and reduced costs—most global enterprise companies use cloud solutions for their data and business processes.  If you have more questions about cloud integration, read about J-Curve’s managed service solutions, or visit our blog.